early in the morning....
me n sai lou had our breakfast at 33 restaurant..
our clothes a bit same..
maklumlah sai lou n jie ma....
haha...^^ i gave him the present...
i not sure he like it onot...
hopefully he like it lor.... lol...
then kam yin join us..
after tat v go to times square by rapid bus (U46)
hehe...haiz...the kam yin n sai lou non stop fighting..
i pulak jadi middle ppl...
lol... every1 looking at us in the bus...
a bit malu..anyway, i just listen..
tak mau campur tgn hal keluarga mereka...LOL..joking la..
reach times square around 1pm...
met ly ern n tracy first.. at the front door of times square..
then the danny n daniel duno sesat whr...
make us wait so long...lol...
finally they came....
1 wear white shirt 1 wear green shirt..hahaha..
from far oso can see...
danny pulak din wear belt...
sepanjang hari kena tarik seluar.. pity lor..

see... danny n daniel... syok betul main..

so blur...lol...
now play gun pulak... ei..
mana itu jason... ish... give him escape from my snap jor..
but danny n daniel still very syok main..
after tat, v pergi makan ... hehe... yummy yummy!!!
divided into 2 group.. me jason danny daniel n sai lou 1 group....lol.... v very gentle wan...

see the other group... got ttk wei loon kam yin christine n jolene... although got many girls.... tapi... semua tak gentle... lol ( dun angry o )

here come our yummy yummy food.... hehe... luckily snap it early... if not sure habis dimakan...

lol... this is kam yin group... AIZ.... duno they noe wat different btw masak n mentah...
lol... hope tak sakit perut lepas makan... hehehe...

tis my group.... hehe... jason n daniel so good.. cook for me... lol...makmumlah i tak pandai oso... blek haha...haha... but v all very gentle geh... masak oso macam 5 star hotel geh chef... lol...

let me intro.... tis two lengzai from smk bdp... both is pengawas... n both ARE SINGLE...
hehe.... 1 named danny.. 1 named jason... siapa ada minat FIND ME..... lol...

haizzz.... inilah akibat letak gelas tepi steamboat...
HABIS MELT.... lol....
kerja christine yg begitu indah sekali.... haha....

see.... semangat makan je.... haiz... tee kian kiat.. i noe u very thin... no need eat so much wan... ISHHH.....

MY SAI LOU... n daniel.... lengzai onot??? haha.. birthdayboy r.... sure lengzai lar... haha^^

tis is tee kian kiat.... famous gal in our skul... dun forget her r..... LOL.... ppl finish eat , SHE oso haven... lambat betul...

this is alex n kam yin... malu pulak nak ambil gambar... haha...CHIK CHAK.. yeah i berjaya snap..but blurr...then after v all finish.......... v pay the bill.... RM 129.60 (included the tax n service charge lar).. tat danny... take rm 120 put in his wallet...make jason cari on the floor... lol....
next .. v seperate into 2 groups.. 1 group go bowling 1 group go shopping.. hehe.. wei loon ttk jason christine jolone sai lou daniel danny go bowling.. me n tracy go shopping.. kam yin n alex duno go whr liao... lol.. hahaha... ly ern pulak go back home... daniel oso go back around 5.30pm when he got a call from his father... then his father picked him at ts..
around 6 smtg plan to go back liao... saw a big doll... lol...

cute o not??? but the head like very heavy oni.... sure unstable wan... tracy plan to push geh.. tapi tak jadi... lol...
then v all went back....... by rapid bus...... 4 seat for 6 ppl.. see b4??? look below geh pic....haha^^

wei loon, jason, n danny sit together....tracy jolone n chrtistine sit together....
i oso first time see.... haha....
lastly, me kam yin sai lou n tracy turun at the anggerik bus stop ..
back to our own house....