Moral Value : Good friends are hard to find. F them LOL!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
What do students REALLY do during KoKo?
Moral Value : Good friends are hard to find. F them LOL!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
my frens...
could hear her laughing sound jor...
duno what happen to her...
hope she is fine...
but tat day she cried in class...
my heart felt pain..
duno y..
mayb i could not help her..
duno how to make her stop from crying..
hope i can see n hear... her laughing voice again in class..
take k o..
next person.... my beloved geh fren...
everyday oso moody... haizz...
no idea already...
hope he will b happy lor...
tis my last year in school....
left this year oni...
hope i can accompany to chat wit u more lor...
miss tis fren geh singing voice...
miss the time v all sing in k room..
miss the cream all over our face...
miss the time u bully izniza during duty..
the thing i most miss is....
when i noe u....
do u still rmb?? haha..LOLZ.
never give up in ur studies r...
soli if i too busy til din reply ur msg....
n less on9...
dun always say 'haiz' 'sienz' 'no mood' 'boring'..
tis year i spm mar.... busy wit tuitions n seminar lor....
after tis year i not around in skul.. must take care...
DON EVER no MOOD when I'M not around...k??K??? k???
i wont forget u d lar... don worry..^^
then..... my old fren...
but she not old yet lar...
hmmm... study hard is her job...
her hardworking every1 oso can see...
but now... she got a very very CLOSED fren... hehehe..^^
hope she happy lo at the same time her parents oso happy..
at here...
i wanna say...
hope u can get good result in ur spm lor... hehe..
another 1...
hmm.. tis wan... voice damn loud...
sounds like dai jie... lol... tis really dai jie's blog..
BUT her heart still good lar...
she... cut her hair!!!
first time i saw i was shock....!!
lol.... but still acceptable already... (after a few days lar)
haha... can jimat jimat shampoo...
dun angry r... hope 1 day i can see another new hair style in class again..
in 5 Amanah or in future.... LOL...
anyway... hope ur study oso can improve ...
after tat....
haizz.... i duno how to describe her...
i now tis recently she not very happy...
mayb abt skul stuff...
lik those teachers treat her in class...
haiz... not same class..
cannot help her...
n duno how to help...
feel lik im useless or either energyless...
hope she will bcome strong..
n success in her SPM...
besides ....
tis fren....
always bully me in class..
mulut dah la celopar..
tak henti bila sudah berbunyi...
i cakap sekali... dia cakap 10 kali ganda...
.. anyway..
if u din say , v all oso wont have a lots of fun together lar...
dun call me 'lai ma' already...
i hate tis nickname....
if not, next time i duwan choi u..
duwan teach u ADDMATHS ad...
joking lar...
ah po.... wont so siu hei geh.... right ??? hor???
next one...
tis wan special.... never ever mention abt her in blog...
but tis time she very funny...
from tuesday till now...
she non-stop asking.....
'who take my sej module pls return back'
'if not, berdosa, masuk neraka'..'rot in hell'... n more..
i cant stop laughing...
i said.... 'until now still cant find r?' 'i rasa abu pun tak de tinggal utk u lar'
lolz.... i very bad hor??? joking oni lar..
hope she can find her module back soon...
if not...hehehe....
Saturday, April 18, 2009
WTF?! Final Fantasy : Crisis Core

Finally got 1OO% Mission complete..Pwned the goddess, Minerva < -.-" she whacked my butt for... 2O times...Lucky i stole 99x phoenix downs from her, keep on revive, die, revive, die.. kinda boring fighting her but.. who cares~! I've kicked her ass kaw kaw jor ^.^ lalala~
Died few times.Still reset and play again.Till this very morning I defeated her.. Now so tired..WHole night din sleep x.x
Reward(s) :
- 3OO mission cleared = Heike Soul
- Mission 9-6-6 (Minerva) = Divine Slayer
- Panda eyes -.-
Left FINAL equipment : Genji Shield.
Requires : Gil Toss, Costly Punch, 99 999 damage and my favorite~ Sephiroth's OCTASLASH~ Woots!! wish you were mine~
Should I get some rest? Better complete everything then sleep ba~ Hohoho~
Friday, April 17, 2009
Happy Birthday?
A . Happy Birthday <3
B . To the jewel of my eye , a year has passed but our love will grow more and more each year
C . Happy Birthday, lao gong/ lao po muackszzz
D . Bao bei, happy birthday~ love ya
E . Happy Birthday OH my fish~ >3
F . Oi, Older one year liao..
Each choice determine someone's personality whether they are normal, boring, crazy or just being stupid.
Made your choice?
Below are the results of your personality.
You're so normal..worry not.Think of something else to say to your lover. You don't want that special someone hear the SAME thing every year isn't it?
OMG...The poetry type.Only your lover can stand you. Others would like... find a barrel or a 'tong' to vomit their breakfast ( that is IF they able to consume after hearing it ). You wana be romantic, I get it. I mean, we get it.
Aww... the one from ice age. You both dated for how long? Lao gong here lao gong there.. Brr... Am I in north pole or something? Muackszz? Keep your tongue in before it freezes.
Hmm..the lovey-dovey one.. Bao bei, honey, darling, sweet pie, honeybee~ ENOUGH is ENOUGH my friend. You both love each other, gave each other 'special' nicknames..Use it during your 'special' moments for God's sake =.="
WTF??? My fish? Alright... You express your lover as an non-human living things.... ' FISH ' ..This type of person are the most interesting one.Why? If she uses FISH to refer to her husband, imagine those children... My Whale~ My Jellyfish~ My Octopus~ My Nemo~ My SpongeBob
What else.. My Drumstick? My Cabbage? My Toenail?
What if....
* Wedding Day *
" I pronounce you Fish and Wife. Fish, you may fin your bride "
Thank Godness... You're straight foward.Cruel and heartless..Everyone know how old they are..You don't have to ' stimulate ' them with your honest words. I know we can't lie..But use a better phrase ok?
" There are no cure for stupidity "
KY dai jie says : Story of SUX & BEACH!
Pn. Zarina & Pn. Chua, both of them are prefect teachers.. They call BOTH of THEM up to the stage [b4 assembly]… Then all of us see n gossip… After that, we get to know that… Many teachers complain abt them… Cuz always together n sit together until damn close… Pn. Zarina said… As a PENOLONG KETUA PENGAWAS, he cannot play couple couple… Either both of them break… OR else, SUX will be DILUCUT JAWATAN~ Muahahahahahahaha!!!! On the same day.. is HIS birthday~ Tracy tot of wishing him… But getting near, HE getting faster and go away.. FINE!~ Tracy stop and walk away…
Beach sit wif a indian girl… That time is MORAL, we same class with them… SUX take his chair towards BEACH’s place to sit wif her… MEans now, 3chairs 2table.. It’s so obvious… Pn. Chua teach us MORAL… Joanne cant tahan… They r too much over there… She told me that she wanna ask teacher whether boy n girl can sit together? I say, If she say.. I will add some words oso… Hahaha!
*im bad?*Joanne : Cikgu, Nak tanya… lelaki dan perempuan boleh duduk bersama ke?
KY : Ya lo, bukannya x ada tempat.. Sini ada Sana ada…
Pn Chua : Aisk, Ter Shern… Tengok, org lain pun tegur dah…
Joanne : Skrang masa PnP, bukan masa untuk couple couple… x jaga harga diri…
KY : Ni ke PENOLONG KETUA PENGAWAS? memalukan saja~
Then… teacher oso tegur them… Yea, of cuz teacher at our side cuz b4 that she oso warn them ad… Somemore they like………… buat x tau… The beach told our fren that we jealous.. COme on larrrrr… No ppl wanna jealous for this damn dirty geh relationship… somemore kiss in the class when no ppl… Steal ppl bf… 1 leg step 2 boats… Joanne n I did this cuz our eye…. Can wash wif acid jor…… And x puas hati for TRACY!
Every Friday, the muslim will pray for abt 1hour… And we, moral students will stay in a class.. combination of 5A, 5B, 5C and 5D… They always sit together one… So, we plan of playing them agn… I think its the last one… Hahaha!!! But this time is I start 1st… Cuz joanne say yesterday she say 1st… Well… Whenever I saw my fren(girl) sit wif boy, i will call her to change place 2 sit wif girl… OF cuz they’re cooperating wif me… Cuz NON of us like the Sux & Beach… Then, I go in front n tell teacher…
KY : Teacher, you say b4 rite… Girls n boys cannot sit together?
TEacher : yea…… Why?
Ky : Why they can………… ( pointing them..)
Teacher : **SUX** ar, nvm larrr…
KY : Then takkan so pilih kasih?
Teacher : wait… help me to mark the attendant 1st..
K then… I tot teacher really x care… But a while more, teacher go towards them n say…. LELAKI & PEREMPUAN X BLH DUDUK BERSAMA… TUKAR TEMPAT~!!!!! Then they change… Wah, da beach sit alone like so lonely… KEsian? SWT! who kesian TRACY ooooo???? I doubt they surely very x song me n joanne… Hahahaha!!! so wad? But its really da last time we do this… XD!!! Cuz…. read the next step~~~
NExt step…
Wait teacher to bertindak… We watch *movie*… Cuz they sure tot tat we r jealousing them… They will be MORE together for US to see… And the MORE they together… The higher chance for SUX to DILUCUT JAWATAN…. Beautiful planning??? ^^vvvvvvvv
*if u say we bad, i tell you.. BEACH n SUX r much more cruel than me n joanne…*
yeah yeah!!! thats all… bye bye~~
+_*~ KY ~*_+
Thursday, April 16, 2009
After so many effort and time I've laid, WHY am I still stucked here?!
[ Time : 59 : 26 : 26 ]
With equipments such as Genji Armor , Genji Glove and Ziedrich..I still been defeated by that pretty yet deadly lady : MINERVA
* Imagine *
HP : (ME) 99 999 vs (Minerva) 10 000 000
Even with my ' Costly Punch ' which can inflict 99 999 damage each time succesfully... I would need to whack her butt about... 101 times -.-" that's exclude healing and dodging zzz...
I really have to boost up my stats to defeat her!! What to do.. 99% already..If I quit now..WASTED le.. Yer..boosting up stats very boring de a millions ways to do it but all so so so so so DAMN BORING!!!!
Folio incomplete..Game 99%...What should I do ?!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I m a new member...haha
I m DBSK fans...anyone here is their fans?!?
Louise dai jie,pls dont quite this blog...>.<"...
comment: dai kor,yr pic look so weird & perasan!!=.="