Saturday, May 9, 2009

Unexpected Saturday~!

I was doing my boring PSK folio bout a NGO at Sarawak while skype-ing with Daniel and sms with Terry.
Terry hor..asked me out and meet him at Jusco Maluri and go pasar malam at Taman Midah.
So I went.
Reached there and called him.
" Sorry, the number you've dialled couldn't be reach at the moment.."
Sent a sms [ Report status : Pending ]
I find my colleague at the curtain department where i used to work at..Chat abit lo..
Saw my phone.. [ Report status : Delivered ]
Called him.

Tracy : Woi where are u?
Terry : Go find me at McD
Tracy : I at upstairs wor..
Terry : Where?
Tracy : Curtain there
Terry : Ok

* waited awhile *

Terry hides behind the sample curtain.
saw him..intro him to my colleague.
Hi bye watever..Siam~
We went down the foodcourt there and find Aron
LoL..Botak liao le him..Last time saw him still ok de..Now was like.. O.O???
Terry intro but I said we knew each other liao..
Terry zadou..

Walk around..Den stopped at the Toys Department.

Terry saw the Barbie stuffs and...

Look! My award for Beauty King~ It's lovely~~ I wonder the crown will fit my gigantic empty head or not?
*P/s : this is my camera side..Shoot from this angle k? *

^^ I wana thank my car, Persona for everything, Joanne for giving me beauty tips..Ky for the eyeliner..Tracy for taking this picture and blog it out..Actually, i knew i'm gonna win anyway~

Walk around and went in MPH ( Moron's Pubic Hair ). Aron talked bout dragonBALLz. He said..

This is a story about seven of the dragon's balls being scattered around the world.Some at north pole..some at duno where.


He continues...

Goku collects and fights for the dargon's balls.And do you know that each balls have stars on it?

I asked, " what happens when all the balls unites? " * Terry giggles even more *

When all the balls are united..the dragon will come out and grant you a wish.

Terry and I laughed till.. but LTH did not happened LoLz

After that went to pay ticket..

Aron duno where to insert the ticket in.So he simply poke it.He dah la gelabah duno wer to put then the stupid machine keep on spamming : Please insert your parking ticket~
Aron told the machine to shut up! LoLz
when we left the machine..kring krang all those noise LOL!!

I can just laugh and laugh and laugh..

Went to find the car..Terry said find the broken car..So i did..Ooohhh..FOUND IT!
Aron tried to unlock the car but ended up pressed the button which triggered the alarm LoLZ
Terry scolded him haha
I borrowed Aron's black PSP- 2000..saw some games..2G memory card..4.0 software..hmm..not bad..

The pasar malam plan dropped.Terry sent Aron back 1st den asked me dun rmmbr wer he lives.Scare i will rape Aron or smtg la..Kicked Aron off the car and he send me home..Terry dun rmbbr wer my house it zzz..Almost took the wrong turn hahaha but nvm.can be forgiven coz my hse memang got alot turn la.Tried to call my housephone..nobody answer..diu..lucky saw my dad..PHEW! den my dad
ask Terry some questions and he kidnap my ps2 den cabut.

Left me and my parents..Shit..Kena lectured kaw kaw..Suan lo..I deng my dad back by saying i'm damn tired.Check the time..go out tapau white coffee and buy reload ba.Kacau-ed the tauke's son LoL..he so bad >< .On the way walking back.. Terry called me..

Terry : Wei u gimme a spoilt controller ar?
Tracy : No ar..Can't work meh?
Terry : No la..
Tracy : Try this..*bla bla bla*

After awhile, i gave him a call.

Tracy : Eh the controller can play liao ma?
Terry : Yes..who r u?
Tracy : * =.=" * Tracy....
Terry : I cabut out and plug it again den can play liao ^^ i so clever le..
Tracy : ......

*A normal boring Psk folio day would turn into smtg like this lolz..din expect that to happened le =.=*

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